"When nothing goes right, go left!" -- Pretty much sums up my day!
Tonight I came to Mattoon to what I thought was going to be a swimming class at the YMCA. I was so excited to show off my new swimming skills, HAHA! Bob ended up having to substitute for a spinning class, so I thought, okay, no workout for me tonight, maybe I'll go to the martini bar! I didn't have any clothes for spinning, so I wore Bob's spinning shorts, his wife, Pennie, her shoes, my sports bra and swim suit. I looked like a Frankencyclist!!!!! Hahaha! I finished 24 miles in 55 minutes, so it ended up being a great workout!!! It was awesome to meet Pennie! She seems like a kick ass girl and I am excited to get to know her. I hope she can teach me a thing or two in the pool! I've got to crash early tonight, 10 miles at 6:30 am!
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