Saturday, September 15, 2012


To begin, I want to start off by thanking everyone who has supported me either mentally, emotionally, and/or financially along my journey over the years of becoming a runner, triathlete, and soon to be an IRONMAN! Starting with God, who has given me the strength, encouragement, and determination who accomplish so many goals and for keeping my body strong, healthy, and mobile. I also want to thank my parents John & Julie Fugate for raising me and always telling me I can reach my dreams, my Mema, Rachel Proffitt, for all of the prayers she says and always telling me no matter how I do I am the prettiest girl to cross, my boyfriend, Ryan Rauch, who wakes up early on his days off to watch me cross the finish line: no one can cheer on a girl like him! Don't want to forget Ryan's parents David & Robin Rauch! I also want to thank all of my friends and family: my brother and sister Jessica Pettyjohn, Colton Pettyjohn, Alisha Bennett, Lynn Bennett, Christy Furgeson, Stash, Valeria Rhode, Lane Blickem, Timmy Jacobs, Emily Wamsley, Craig Muehling, Matt Cardoni, Jackie Moore, Cathy, Kayleb Burritt, all of the Second wind running, our coach, Stephen Ostwinkle,   my Aunt Susuan, Aunt Tammy, Aunt Carol, Uncle Dwight, my cousins Rachel Mathis, Tracy Jenkins, David Hale, & Sherri Mathis. I know there are some people I am forgetting, please do not be offended, I appreciate everyone so much!! 

LOVE & THANK YOU!!!!!!!!

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