Tuesday, September 25, 2012

So Clique...


Tonight I went to the fun run with Second Wind, and although it is so clique, it was so much fun! Nikki and I ran together for both the 1 mile and 3 mile. The 3 mile run had a special event where the individuals who finish closest to their predicted time, without wearing watches, won free Second Wind Running gear! Nikki and I predicted our 3 mile for 24:15 and we finished at 24:18, three seconds longer than predicted, WE KICKED ASS! =) We both picked out long sleeve shirts, and we were very excited!

Nikki is such an inspiration to me for running! She kicks some major ass every race and pushes herself to the limit every practice! I really appreciate that she makes me feel part of a team at Second Wind and invites me to hang out with everyone after a run. Thanks so much Nikki, it may seem small, but really means a lot to me! Without Second Wind and Kodi I depend on mainly myself to be motivated to train and workout. So any extra encouragement and inspiration is greatly appreciated! I am so glad I found out about the club this summer and am able to be involved as much as possible!

Tomorrow is the last speed run of the summer at the track with second wind, which is kind of sad. Even though I haven't gone every week, I know it has helped me with my endurance and speed! Now we get to look forward to marathon training starting in January with Second Wind! Yay! =D

Also, I have hurt my right foot pretty bad. It hurts about every step I take, especially if I haven't been on my feet for over like 10 or 15 minutes (the longer I'm off my feet the worse it hurts). I dropped a salad bowl and it landed sideways right on the bones of my 2nd and 3rd toe. I was hoping it was just going to go away, but it seems to be getting worse. I can usually just push through the pain, but once I'm done running, working out, or off work it hurts so bad. If anyone has any suggestions please let me know! I may have to go see a doctor this week. =( Pray for my foot to get better!

Pink <3 Training 

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