Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Roller Coaster!


Today at work was really frustrating... I was just not feeling a good vibe with the customers and my employees. My new shoes did come in today, yippe! Later in the afternoon, I found out Jessie (my sister) is pregnant! I am still in complete shock! I was originally scheduled to work a split today at Red Lobster, but because it was really slow, I got off extra early and decided to come back home. 

When I got to Mattoon, I picked up a donation from my Aunt Carol and Uncle Dwight for my Ironman fundraiser, which I am very grateful for! THANK YOU! Then I ordered my favorite pizza, Villa, which also donated for my registration, again, THANK YOU ARENAS!

After devouring a few slices of pizza, Colton and I went to see our sister from my father's side play Volleyball in Effingham. Their game was against St. Elmo and they kicked some serious ass! I was so proud to be sitting there watching the gazelle like movements of my sister slamming the volleyball down the opponents throats! =) In a since, I was able to relive my volleyball days and live vicariously through her. My sister Haylee is only 16, but she is one dedicated, hard working, and self sufficient young lady. I am proud to have her as my sister and I admire her determination to succeed and the will she has to be the best at what she does! She is an inspiration to me as I train for all of my races and especially the Ironman!

Needless to say, I was unable to get a workout in today because I was go go go from the moment I woke up until now, at 11:35 when I am an hour past my bedtime! Hitting up the pool here in a few hours and the speed work with Second Wind tomorrow evening!

Thanks for the support!

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