Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Just Keep Swimming


Today was a successful day at the pool! Once again I have to thank Marvin for kicking my butt into shape! This swim was definitely a lot easier than the first time. We began the swim with a 100 slow warm up, followed by a 250 which I timed at 6 min 45 sec. I was very happy with that time, considering I wasn't pushing myself for time. 

Next, we did a few drills where you flutter kick on your back for a 100 and the same on your stomach for another 100. I was feeling pretty awesome until we decided to do the "frog kick" where I basically kept drowning myself. LOL! Marvin did his best to help me, I was supposed to complete a 100, but I lucky to finish the 50. We finished the workout with a 500, my second time completing this distance I timed at 13:45. I felt really strong during this distance, which last time I had to stop in between for about a minute to catch my breath. I also did less breaststroke/backstroke and more freestyle through this 500. 

Overall, we swam about 1100M in 50 minutes. I am looking forward to my next swim with Marvin! He is talking about swimming for two hours, so God help me please! 

Also, I have made up my mind on two upcoming races. I am going to compete Sunday at the Rattlesnake 5k and in November the Santa Chase half marathon. I am going to try to keep my running to a minimum in order to keep my foot safe, but I am not going to completely stop. I REFUSE! So even if I have to jog or walk the half marathon, I think it would be a good training to have at least one long distance under my belt before the Illinois Marathon 2013.


Monday, October 29, 2012

Ironman Training!!


WOAH!!!! Woke up pretty sore from Allerton yesterday, those hills will bite ya in the butt! 

Today was my scheduled doctor appointment with Dr. Sandercauk (sp?) about my right foot injury. Basically, everything I expected happened. They took an x-ray of my foot and he "determined" my foot has swelling from a bone burise, and recommended I take tylenol and the next 3 weeks off from "closed circuit exercising", meaning NO RUNNING! He said that biking, swimming, and elliptical work outs would be okay or anything with low impact. As I figured, I wasted my time and money to hear what I already knew.

After my doctor's appointment, Bob Zollman and I decided to go out for a 22.5 WINDY bike ride. We biked the full last chance tri route and then about another 8.5 miles out on the bike trail in Mattoon. I am very blessed to have met someone who has so much experience and knowledge to help further me in my training. Two VERY important things I learned today, was how to put air in my tire (all by myself) and how to use the small loop (the left gear) on the bike chain for hilly/windy biking. Until today, I never used it and pretty much thought it didn't do anything. I found out that it helps A LOT, because those 30 mph winds today were nothing to sneeze about! Also, thank you for letting me borrow your gloves! =)

I have spent the whole day on the move since I have woke up. I had a wonderful lunch of free Villa Pizza with my mom and Mema at the nursing home. I even got to spend a few hours chit chatting and catching up with my old friend Christy Furgeson. It was so nice to see her, I miss her a lot! Ryan baked some cookies and I am exhausted, so I am having dessert and passing out early!


Trail Run #2


Today was my second trail run, in Monticello, IL at Allerton Park. I woke up around 5:45, extra early, to volunteer with parking for the race set up. I stood outside for about an hour and a half freezing while directing traffic to turn into the parking lot. While shivering, I met a man named Curt from Indy who is also involved with Second Wind and Kennekuk running. He competed in 100 mile races, which I was very inspired, because I can only imagine how hard that would be.

After the volunteering was over, I went to warm my butt up with my seat warms and the heat in my car. I ended up deciding to wear my Tickle Me Pink Crayon costume for the run! =) There were several other people who decided to dress up and looked very nice in their costumes. The trail run was very successful! The first mile was covered with large rocks though, which was not very nice on my hurt foot. There was a lot of mud, leaves, and roots but the leaves turning colors made for a beautiful race. I had a lot of personal issues that occured during the run, my stupid shorts kept riding up my butt, NOT FUN and also my ipod arm band kept falling off while it was on my arm under my North Face coat. The ear phone chord ended up just falling out at mile 5 and I said screw it!

About mile 5 1/2 I noticed this girl who I had overheard before the race say she signed up for the Clydesdale division (my division). Once I saw her, I kicked my legs into overdrive! I pushed myself to the MAX! As we were both sprinting up the last hill, neck-in-neck, I pushed it to end up beating her by less than 2 seconds!!!! I ended up winning 1st place overall Athena award! I was pleased to see if I would have signed up for my age division, I still would have won 2nd. =) 
Here are the results:
1 Alicia Pettyjohn 328 23 9 50:12.2 8:48/M
2 Tessa Schmidt 391 34 10 50:14.1 8:49/M

I definitely need to thank Michael Tankersley for, once again, saving me with water right after the race. He said it best, I left everything out on that trail! Thank you Mike for making me feel like a part of the team of Second Wind and always encouraging me to push myself to be the best, you are a great friend! I also want to thank Ryan and Amber Anderson for cheering me on during the run! It made me smile seeing your faces and especially the "4 1/2 Five"!! LOL

The rest of the day was spent relaxing, recovering, and enjoying myself on the couch! Ryan, Kodi, and I decided to carve pumpkins and make Tacos for dinner, YUM! What a great day!! So far my experience with trail running = SUCCESSFUL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

PINK <3 1st Place!

Friday, October 26, 2012

Bustin Ass with the Bestie!


Nothing better than being able to hit the gym bright and early with your best friend, Alisha Bennett!!!! =D <3

We had a great evening together, we went to Sephora to buy some new makeup, had margaritas for dinner at Chilis, and came back to the house to watch Kardashian, bake, and drink wine! Its the little things like this evening that I miss so much!! I cherish every moment I get to spend with Alisha, because she and Marshall are always traveling and I am lucky if I get to see her once a month.

Today is the first day off without having a race or going out of town that I have had in months, and I couldn't be happier!
This morning we woke up ate breakfast and watched the price is right, my favorite show!!! We then decided to hit up my gym, planet fitness. I ran for a pretty slow pace for 30 minutes, with little pain in my foot. After the run, I jumped on the bike for an intense hilly 30 minute bike ride. I jogged 3 miles and I had an intense 8.5 mile bike ride. Overall I would say it was a great workout! You can tell by all the sweat! -------------------->

 After our workout, we showered and got ready for lunch at Billy Barooze. Alisha's mom, Lynn, met us and we had a DELICOUS lunch with blue moon and burgers! Mmm! The rest of the afternoon was spent at the spa where we all received a full body massage, scalp treatment, and facial massage. It was heavenly! Especially after the intense workout!

 I am also really excited because I finally received my new Timex GPS watch! I cannot wait to try it out on Sunday in Allerton.

Tonight Ryan and I are going to Brian & Hayle's Halloween party, which should be a blast! I am dressing up as a pink Crayon and Ryan is Sub Zero from Mortal Kombat.

For now, I am feeling very relaxed and ready for a nap! Until my next blog...


Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Feeling weak


Well, tonight I went to Marvin's (who I work with at Red Lobster) apartment complex to go for a swim. I didn't know what I was getting myself into, because he is an AWESOME swimmer! We started off with a 75m warm up, followed by a 250 with a 25 sprint and a 25 breast stroke. Even though I was dying, this drill really helped me with endurance! After that we swam a full 500 (10 laps) with alternating freestyle and breast or back stroke. I was really exhausted after this drill! This was the farthest I have ever swam with almost not stopping. Like I said, I wasn't prepared for what I was getting into, but I was so happy I found another swimming partner who will kick my ass into shape!

After the swim, I went straight to fun run with second wind. I was already pretty exhausted from swimming, so I pushed myself. The first mile went pretty well, with no pain in my foot. After the break, we started up for the 3 mile run. I started out pretty strong, but after a mile or so my foot started aching really bad. It was then I knew I had to stop. I was so disappointed in myself, upset and frustrated. I spent the last 1/2 mile walking back to my car with tears streaming down my face. I am not used to feeling this weak. I want to be able to kick ass with everyone else running in second wind. 

I immediately called Ryan and explained to him my frustrations. After icing my foot and calming myself down, we decided to meet everyone at the Village Inn for the fun run pizza party. The pizza was delicious and the company was even better! I am really worried about my race on Sunday, the 5 mile trail run in Allerton. I can only continue to pray that my foot will heal and the doctor will be give me some insight on what is wrong and how I can fix it.

PINK </3 Feeling weak

Monday, October 15, 2012

Like a BOSS


Well, after a long depressing week of not training, my foot was finally feeling well enough to hit the gym! I figured if my foot started hurting really bad, if I was a on a treadmill I could jump off at any time. During the run I felt really strong (probably all those carbs I have consumed over the last week)! I didn't want to push myself too much so I figured 30 minutes was a good time, so I ran 3.5 miles at 7 mph. It wasn't a very fast paced run, but to complete it and not be in pain the entire time was amazing!!

After the run I was feeling great so I decided, what the hell, and jumped on one of their bicycles. I know everyone in the gym was probably starring at me because I was DRENCHED in sweat, as usual. There was sweat all over me, the bike, and the floor, haha! I did an intense hilly 9.5 mile bike ride (level 10) for 30 minutes. 

My entire workout tonight felt AMAZING! I am so happy to be able to jump back into training, even if I have to take it really slow for a couple weeks. Being able to do something is better than nothing. I was so down all weekend seeing all of my running friends competing in 2 races I was really looking forward to. Oh well, I have to take care of myself to be able to better myself. Tomorrow is one of the last fun runs, so assuming my foot is still feeling up to par, I plan on taking it slow and completing the 1 mile and 3 mile loop! =)

Now, to ice my foot and take it easy the rest of the evening!

Pink <3 Feeling like a boss!

Monday, October 8, 2012

Last Chance Tri


Today was ironically the last triathlon of the year, Last Chance Tri in Mattoon, IL at the YMCA. It was a SUPER chilly day with pretty strong winds, so I knew the race was going to be a doozey!

The swim was 275 yards, touching 11 eleven times in the pool. Suprisingly, I kicked  the swim's ass finishing 6:19, so I was EXTREMLY PROUD!!! After getting out of the pool, I was sooooo cold trying to run to my towel and gear. This race I decided to run with some different gear, due to the weather; a hooded jacket, ear muffs, and my asics running shoes not only for warmth for my feet but because my foot is still a little sore. The biking was kind of rough, because there were several parts where the wind was strong coming towards us, especially going back over the overpass. My biking averaged out to be about 16 mph and I completed the 12 miles in 44:38. Finally, during the run my legs were so sore from having to push hard against the wind and my feet were frozen until after the first mile. Needless to say, the run was really slow! I finished the 5k in 25:40, which is really slow for me, but due to the weather, my foot, and the frozen feet I was happy. My overall time was 1:19:54 which was 11 minutes faster than the similar triathlon at the beginning of the year at Lytle Park!

After completing the race, I ended up winning 1st in the female 20-24 age division! It is always an accomplishment to complete the event, but even more so when my friends and family are there to watch and support me! I was so blessed and  thankful Ryan, my mom and stepfather, my mema, my stepsister and niece Maddy, Tim & Renee Spitz, and Pam Bartlett! It means so much to me that everyone comes out, watches, waits...waits...waits... takes pictures, and CHEERS me on! =) It encourages me and drives me to push harder during the race! I also met a cool man named Bob Zollman, who has completed the Louisville triathlon twice. I believe God has lined him up in my life to help me with questions, concerned, and training skills over the next year. It will be nice to keep in touch with someone who knows what I am getting myself into!

Pink <3 Triathlon

Wild Wild Wilderness!


Well, today was definitely one of the most interesting competitive runs I have ever completed. Not only was it the longest competitive race but it was my first trail run! The two are completely different types of running when you compare trail running and road running. It is basically looking at the ground the entire run, watching every step, and careful placement of your feet. One wrong step can send you rolling down a hill!

Overall, the run was one of the most difficult and challenging runs I have ever completed! I just keep thinking, only 5 more miles, only 4 more miles, 3 more, 2 more, less than 1 more... Until finally I crossed that finish line!!! 

My goal was to complete the 7.4 mile trail run within 1 hour and 15 minutes. I ended up completing the race 5 minutes quicker at 1:10, which I was just happy to finish! =) I ended up winning 1st place in the Amazon woman division (140 lbs+) which I was SOOOOO PUMPED!!!!!!!!! I was in complete shock and so happy!!!!! Everyone from Second Wind who attended the race ended up winning some hardware, which was so great! All of us road runners came and kicked that trail's ass!

Pink <3 Trail Running