Monday, October 29, 2012

Trail Run #2


Today was my second trail run, in Monticello, IL at Allerton Park. I woke up around 5:45, extra early, to volunteer with parking for the race set up. I stood outside for about an hour and a half freezing while directing traffic to turn into the parking lot. While shivering, I met a man named Curt from Indy who is also involved with Second Wind and Kennekuk running. He competed in 100 mile races, which I was very inspired, because I can only imagine how hard that would be.

After the volunteering was over, I went to warm my butt up with my seat warms and the heat in my car. I ended up deciding to wear my Tickle Me Pink Crayon costume for the run! =) There were several other people who decided to dress up and looked very nice in their costumes. The trail run was very successful! The first mile was covered with large rocks though, which was not very nice on my hurt foot. There was a lot of mud, leaves, and roots but the leaves turning colors made for a beautiful race. I had a lot of personal issues that occured during the run, my stupid shorts kept riding up my butt, NOT FUN and also my ipod arm band kept falling off while it was on my arm under my North Face coat. The ear phone chord ended up just falling out at mile 5 and I said screw it!

About mile 5 1/2 I noticed this girl who I had overheard before the race say she signed up for the Clydesdale division (my division). Once I saw her, I kicked my legs into overdrive! I pushed myself to the MAX! As we were both sprinting up the last hill, neck-in-neck, I pushed it to end up beating her by less than 2 seconds!!!! I ended up winning 1st place overall Athena award! I was pleased to see if I would have signed up for my age division, I still would have won 2nd. =) 
Here are the results:
1 Alicia Pettyjohn 328 23 9 50:12.2 8:48/M
2 Tessa Schmidt 391 34 10 50:14.1 8:49/M

I definitely need to thank Michael Tankersley for, once again, saving me with water right after the race. He said it best, I left everything out on that trail! Thank you Mike for making me feel like a part of the team of Second Wind and always encouraging me to push myself to be the best, you are a great friend! I also want to thank Ryan and Amber Anderson for cheering me on during the run! It made me smile seeing your faces and especially the "4 1/2 Five"!! LOL

The rest of the day was spent relaxing, recovering, and enjoying myself on the couch! Ryan, Kodi, and I decided to carve pumpkins and make Tacos for dinner, YUM! What a great day!! So far my experience with trail running = SUCCESSFUL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

PINK <3 1st Place!

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