Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Feeling weak


Well, tonight I went to Marvin's (who I work with at Red Lobster) apartment complex to go for a swim. I didn't know what I was getting myself into, because he is an AWESOME swimmer! We started off with a 75m warm up, followed by a 250 with a 25 sprint and a 25 breast stroke. Even though I was dying, this drill really helped me with endurance! After that we swam a full 500 (10 laps) with alternating freestyle and breast or back stroke. I was really exhausted after this drill! This was the farthest I have ever swam with almost not stopping. Like I said, I wasn't prepared for what I was getting into, but I was so happy I found another swimming partner who will kick my ass into shape!

After the swim, I went straight to fun run with second wind. I was already pretty exhausted from swimming, so I pushed myself. The first mile went pretty well, with no pain in my foot. After the break, we started up for the 3 mile run. I started out pretty strong, but after a mile or so my foot started aching really bad. It was then I knew I had to stop. I was so disappointed in myself, upset and frustrated. I spent the last 1/2 mile walking back to my car with tears streaming down my face. I am not used to feeling this weak. I want to be able to kick ass with everyone else running in second wind. 

I immediately called Ryan and explained to him my frustrations. After icing my foot and calming myself down, we decided to meet everyone at the Village Inn for the fun run pizza party. The pizza was delicious and the company was even better! I am really worried about my race on Sunday, the 5 mile trail run in Allerton. I can only continue to pray that my foot will heal and the doctor will be give me some insight on what is wrong and how I can fix it.

PINK </3 Feeling weak

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