Saturday, December 22, 2012

Run/Ice Skating!


Well, the Myans were wrong, the world didn't end!!!! =) That means my butt has to get up and run out in the freezing cold! It was 11 degrees this morning and there was still plenty of ice and snow everywhere. Bob drove up to Champaign so we could run out at the Lake of the Woods in Mahomet. It was his first time out there, and I think he really enjoyed it. I wasn't kidding when I said there are a lot of hills!

The run began on the 3 mile bike trail, we had to skate the first 0.1 because it was PURE ice downhill, that was scary! I wanted to make sure I didn't fall or hurt myself, so I was very careful. The rest of the bike trail was off and on ice, it was more like a trail run, because I was totally focused on the ground and where my feet were in proximity of ice. After we made it through the bike trail, we ran a couple miles through the Mahomet neighborhood. We didn't really know where we were going so there were a few dead ends we just did a circle in, haha!

Bob and I got back on the bike trail at 5 miles and did the same thing back with avoiding ice and busting our butts! We finished the run with 2 miles down to the high school and through some random neighborhood. Bob was nice enough to let me try out some of these hand warmers that you put inside your gloves. They were AMAZING!!!! My hands don't really get too cold, but it was nice to be able to grip on something that was warm. =) I also carried a small water bottle to help keep me hydrated on the long run along with a few electrolyte capsules. I believe that really is helping me get through some of my long workouts, because I just sweat so much!

Well, after everything was said and done, we finished a 10.10 mile run in 1:27 minutes. I was soaked in frozen sweat, but it honestly wasn't that bad! I wore plenty of clothes and the hand warmers and water bottle saved me! I would definitely consider doing it again, just NEVER by myself. I am motivated, but I don't know that I am THAT motivated. Bob was proud of me, I was even up and awake before he called me at 7am! =) Thanks again for meeting me for a kick butt run!!!!! Now its time to relax and get a good nights rest. I am pretty sore all over from being tensing up from the cold. GOOD NIGHT!


Monday, December 17, 2012

Ryan and I working out!


Today I was feeling like a major fatty after all the delicious snacks and food from the ugly Christmas sweater party at my house on Saturday! I am so happy everyone could come and had a BLAST!!!!!!! So tonight I actually was able to convince Ryan to come workout with me at Planet Fitness! =) I told him he could even watch a movie on his new phone that he loves while he biked or did the elliptical machine. We agreed on 45 minutes of working out. I finished 7 miles on the bike and 3 miles on the dreadmill. I really appreciate him supporting me and coming to the gym, even though I know its not his favorite thing in the world! Hopefully, he had so much fun he will want to do it again soon. Working out with other people is a lot more enjoyable, especially with the one you love! <3


PS: I was accepted for the Income Development Coordinator at the American Cancer Society!!!!!!!!!!! I have been so blessed this year!!!!!!!!!  What a great way to end 2012!!!! =)

Having NO fear!


Tonight was a big night for me with swimming... Marvin was putting my body to the test! He showed up a little late and I told myself, I'm starting this so I can get it over with! We began the swim with a 500 warm up, Yay I made it! Then we did 2 x 250, 1 x 150 kick, 2 x 250, 1 x 150 pull, and then a 200 cool down! I completed a full 2,000!!!!!!!!! I honestly felt really great for the first time ever while swimming. I did each workout without stopping! I told Marvin, I could actually feel my body moving with the water and not struggling to fight against it. Once again, I am so thankful for Marvin's help and all the time we are able to spend together swimming. For the first time, I am feeling confident about swimming 2.4 miles!!!!!!!! =D


Fiber + Running = No Bueno


Well, tonight was definitely the "shitty-est" (if that is a word) run EVER!!!!!!! I met with Bob this evening to get a 6 mile run in, and I even brought my new handy water belt to test out. I asked if the belt made me look stupid. Well, I guess if you have to ask, you already know the answer, HAHA! We agreed upon running out on the bike trail since it was getting really dark. As we started running, I knew I was going to have to make my usual "pit stop" at the port-a-potty... I was about 20 feet away, and unfortunate circumstances happen and I was unable to make it to the potty! Disgusting, embarassing, and humiliating. Facts are facts! I had WAYYYYY too much fiber today. Cereal, fiber/protein water, a fiber bar, and apple... BAD DECISIONS! Oh well, Bob had a great laugh, I have a hilarious story, and I ended the night having Villa Pizza with Alisha's parents and grandpa! Yumm!!! What a memorable 3 mile run!  =)



What a cool date?? All 12s. We won't be seeing anything like that again in our lifetime. Well, after last nights unfortunate circumstance, I woke up with clean clothes thanks to Alisha's mom, Lynn. I met Bob at the Y for spinning class, which was pretty intense! There were some major hills in that workout! After the spinning class, I felt really crummy about cutting the run short with Bob so I made myself go run out in the cold for 4 miles. =)  I felt great and this week I ran 17 miles! Whoop whoop!


Monday, December 10, 2012

Super Swimmer!


Today is my only day off this week, YAY to Mondays!! Originally, Marvin and I planned on swimming at 8 am, but since he had to study for finals we pushed it to 3:30 this afternoon. We began the swim with a 350 warm up, split up into 50m. After the warm up, we discussed starting next week getting a base line for my 1000m time and working from that. I decided, okay, now is the time! I really need to quit being a baby and push it with this swimming! I thought swimming 5 - 200m would be a great way to start pushing myself. The first 3 I was over exerting and expending too much effort trying to swim fast and get it over with! LOL. Marvin explained that was not the best way to do it, unless I was an Olympic Speed swimmer. He said, "You need to swim like Alicia". That made sense to me! 

The last two 200m I decided to slow down my pace significantly and be able to complete the 200m without stopping after 50m for a couple breaths. I was able to complete the last two without feeling exhausted and gasping for air when I was finished. I felt strong and accomplished! After a few minutes of rest and chatting we decided to finish off the 75 minute workout with a 250 cool down. I did what I did during the last two and I was able to complete the cool down without stopping! I touched each wall and turned right around! I was so happy and proud! We completed 1600m tonight! My longest swim so far!

I have come such a long way with my swimming. I cannot thank Marvin enough for all of the countless hours he has spent with me in the chlorine. =) I look forward to being able to swim 2.4 miles effortlessly! He is great a great teacher and pushes me to the limit. Thanks Marvy! I am exhausted, it has been a long day off. Night night all!!


Sunday, December 9, 2012

Running in the rain!


I woke up around 7 am this morning to meet Michael at Meadowbrook Park for a 10 mile run. When I woke up it was chilly and rainy. Michael didn't know I'm not really a big fan of mornings, cold, and rain, but I sucked it up! =) I was in a panic for about 20 minutes because I thought I had lost my new gps watch. I was tearing apart my house hunting for it, praying I didn't wash it in my bag. Finally, I decided I would check in my car when I got to the park. Luckily it was in my trunk from my run with Bob on Tuesday.

 Before the run, I downed a whole wheat bagel with honey and a coffee goo, YUCK! I was full of energy though, which was great. Michael and I began the run with a 2 mile loop around the park. When we got back to where the car was, I took two of the electrolyte capsules and a few big gulps of water to stay hydrated for the rest of the run. I told Michael, now that I have started taking those about 30 minutes into my workouts, I am able workout without crashing. The run today and the run with Bob on Tuesday wasn't cake but I would say it was pie. =) I used up the rest of them today, so I am going to purchase a bigger container this week at Body n Sole. Plus I need to look around for a gift for our Santa party on Saturday! I look forward to seeing everyone and hope that everyone has an awesome time! That reminds me... Lots of cleaning this week to prepare! BOO! Oh well, it will be worth it.

Thanks again Michael for the great run this morning. I definitely would not have been able to force myself out of bed when it was still dark and rainy outside if it wasn't for you saying "running, rain or shine"! =)


Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Precious Moments In Life


On Tuesday afternoon I drove down to Mattoon to meet up with Bob for a quick evening run. He was feeling pretty sore still from the half marathon in Mephis, TN for St. Jude. I can only imagine how inspiring and exciting that run was for everyone! =) I was feeling really great during the run, because I have not been focusing on running that much this month. We ran 6 miles in 50 minutes at an average pace of 8.2 minutes per mile. I am so happy for the nice weather - I definitely worked up a sweat! 

Before I left town, I stopped by Body n Sole to purchase some more energy gels and I also picked up some electrolyte replacement pills. During intense workouts I sweat so much I know I am loosing water and electrolytes too fast. I end up becoming very dizzy and faint, which is not a good feeling. I am hoping that I will be able to take these during my long/intense workouts to help enhance my performance. =) 

I spent the evening at my mom's house. We had a delicious "last supper" at the Stadium before her big Gastric Bypass surgery in the morning. It was wonderful spending some quality time with just her and I. We snuggled in her king size bed with the little doggies and a cat that really liked me. We ate milk duds, watched MIB3, and laughed really hard at some of the photos we took during out photo shoot. I am so happy she is finally able to have this surgery and I look forward to she and I being able to complete our first 5k together! <3 you Maw!!!!!!


Today was an AMAZING day!!!!!! I am truly so blessed and thankful for everything that has happened today! First of all, my mother had her gastric bypass surgery this morning and after 5 1/2 hours of a long surgery she is finally in recovery! SUCCESS! My brother, sister, and I ended up not going because my mom really wanted to find out the gender of my sister's baby. Jessie had her appointment today at 3pm, and I was so honored to be a part of this experience. It was something I can definitely say I have never been a part of. The sonogram was so detailed: we were able to see the nose, lips, eyes, arms, hands, feet, legs, spine, rib cage, umbilical chord, and we even saw the little one open its mouth and yawn! She even started drinking the amniotic fluid for nutrients, it looked like it was chewing gum! SO PRECIOUS! =) During the appointment we found the answer to what we have been anxiously waiting, the gender.... IT'S A GIRL!!!!!!!!!! =D =D Finally, I received another email confirming a face to face interview with the American Cancer Society tomorrow! I have been waiting so patiently and I honestly feel like this is my time. I am a hard worker and I deserve a job to prove myself and begin a career!

On a workout note, I woke up this morning at 5 am to attend Bob's spinning class! Whew, I hate waking up early, I was definitely out of it! The class was great, I was pushing myself really hard and I am definitely feeling it now. After spinning, we decided to complete an intense ab workout. It is so funny watching Bob struggle with something, because usually he is the one kicking my ass! =D Girl power! I am very thankful for meeting him and his family, they are wonderful people! 


Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Indoor Cycling


WHEW!!!! Indoor cycling sure is fun, but it is also hard work! Nick, Tara, and I completed a 50 minute indoor biking video that was pretty tough. It was the same one as the first video we did a few weeks ago. I told Tara, "I remember sweating a lot during this video". She found out I was right! Haha.

I haven't completed any races in a few weeks, so I am going to research to see if there are any coming up that I might be able to squeeze in last minute. I am honestly going through some racing withdrawls. =)

Also, Nick was kind enough to let me borrow a pair of his handle bars for his bike, so I am hoping to get those on and try them out this week. I think my mom might be buying me some for Christmas, so that will definitely help my back out during those long bike rides! Thanks, Mom, Love you!


Monday, November 26, 2012

Set goals & see results!


Tonight's workout was pretty intense, especially since I was still a little sore from cycling indoor last night at Nick's house. I met Marvin at One North for a 3 mile run before our swim. Each mile the first .50 I increased the incline and then the second .50 I decreased the incline and increased the speed, ex: mile 0.0 - 0.5: 6.8 mph 1.0 incline then 0.6 - 1.0 7 mph and 0 incline. I increased each mile by 0.2 mph.

After the run, it was time for swimming, yippie! (Sarcasm). I forgot my goggles tonight, which Marvin was gracious enough to let me borrow his, sorry your eyes are all red now Marvy! We began the swim with a 250m warm up, followed by a 200m kick and 200 m pull. The plan was to break down my breast stroke, but since I forgot my goggles we swam a 250m straight without stopping. I was pretty exhausted by this point, but we finished with two 50 sprints and a 100 cool down.

I honestly feel like my swimming ability and technique has GREATLY improved! I could not do it without the people who have spent hours patiently coaching and helping me perfect my swim. I know I still have a lot of improvement to work on over the next 6 months. Because I have no races or events this month I am going to try really hard to swim at least 4 times a week the month of December. My goal is to be able to swim 1000m without stopping by New Years!




I hope everyone has a very blessed Thanksgiving with friends, family, and lots of food! =)

Last night we stayed at Ryan's parent's house where we ate a HUGE Thanksgiving meal. It was so delicious, thank you Robin & David! I woke up Thanksgiving morning to meet Bob in Mattoon for a 10 mile run to burn off all those carbs from last night. This was my first run since the half marathon, which was probably not a smart idea. My legs were so tight, we had to stop every few miles so I could stop and stretch out my muscles. I should have got a short 2 or 3 mile in a few days before, instead I was lazy!

My evening consisted of lots of food, laughs, and great company with my family at my mom's. We all stuffed our faces with my mom's home farm raised turkey and we even taught my Mema a few new 21st century dirty humor jokes. I don't think she approved, but the faces she made were priceless! Thank you Mom & John for dinner!


Monday, November 19, 2012

Santa Chase 1/2 Marathon


 SUPRISE!!!!! I know I only told a handful of people about today, but I am running in my first half marathon today, the Santa Chase in Mattoon! A million emotions are running through my head, I am nervous, anxious, scared, and excited! I decided to wear all Pink today! My signature color! =)

With only two long runs under my belt, an 8 and 10 mile run, over the last two weeks and my foot finally recovering I was not sure how well this was going to go. My plan was to just be able to finish, even if I had to walk some of the race, to gain some experience with long running. 

Before the race, I met up with Christy, Lane, Carl, and Bob for some pre-race photos and words of encouragement. I felt mentally prepared to keep a steady pace and to be proud of myself no matter how the race finished.

The Santa Chase began with the half marathon runners starting at 12:55 at the train station in Mattoon. We ran down Broadway Avenue as all of the anxious people waiting for candy from the parade cheered us on! The run was pretty boring with running out on the bike trail out 7 miles and back. I was feeling pretty strong for the first 4 miles, my friend Katarina passed me before the first mile, I knew then I was never going to be able to pass her! ;-) I kept a pace of 8:20-8:30 for the first 7 miles, after the turn around I was feeling pretty tight and sore and slowed down considerably to about a 9 min pace. I took an energy goo at mile 6 and 10 right before water stations, which I SWEAR saved my life! At about mile 9 I ended up passing Katarina, because she was having knee/ankle issues, which I know how frustrating that is. =( 

By this time I was counting down, 4.1 miles, 3.1 miles, 2.1 miles, and FINALLY 1 more mile! I made it back inside Mattoon and on the black top of the bike trail. I could see in the far distance everyone waiting for me to cross the finish line! I pushed it, pushed it, and pushed it until I finally crossed the finish after 1 hour and 55 minutes!!!!!!! I surpassed ALL of my goals!!!!!!!! I was able to finish under 2 hours, I ran the ENTIRE 13.1 miles without stopping, and I even placed 3rd in the 20-29 female division, sorry Katy! =( I was so proud and in so much pain, I was chugging water and crying at the same time! Ryan and all of my friends came up to great me with smiles and BIG hugs! It was one of the best feelings in the world in my 23 years!  At this point, I can't imagine running that race twice, running for 4 hours, but I look forward to all the training this winter. After completing this, I now know, if I have the drive, I can push myself to do ANYTHING!

We finished the evening off with dinner and I had a margarita at Stadium Grill! Some much earned and deserved calorie intake for me!!! On the way home to Champaign, we stopped by Lindsay and Josh's house to celebrate Gavin's 4th birthday! What an amazing day! Thank you Lord for being with me today and giving us beautiful weather!!!


Wednesday, November 14, 2012



"When nothing goes right, go left!" -- Pretty much sums up my day!

Tonight I came to Mattoon to what I thought was going to be a swimming class at the YMCA. I was so excited to show off my new swimming skills, HAHA! Bob ended up having to substitute for a spinning class, so I thought, okay, no workout for me tonight, maybe I'll go to the martini bar! I didn't have any clothes for spinning, so I wore Bob's spinning shorts, his wife, Pennie, her shoes, my sports bra and swim suit. I looked like a Frankencyclist!!!!! Hahaha! I finished 24 miles in 55 minutes, so it ended up being a great workout!!! It was awesome to meet Pennie! She seems like a kick ass girl and I am excited to get to know her. I hope she can teach me a thing or two in the pool! I've got to crash early tonight, 10 miles at 6:30 am!

PINK </3 Early mornings!

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Swim Like A Whale!!


This evening I met up with Marvin to swim at his apartment complex. Considering my last swim experience was not the greatest, I was a little nervous. I warmed up with a 100 and then Marvin watched me swim and broke down every part of my freestyle stroke to help me swim efficiently. Basically, I was biking with my legs, my hands were not always cupped, my right arm is more exaggerated than my left stroke, I need to keep my chin down, and slice the water with my pinkie fingers facing up!

While trying to keep all of these different things straight in my head, I swam a 400 while Marvin watched me and gave me pointers on what to fix and focus on. I am so thankful he spent time to help me break down the stroke piece by piece so I could understand what I was doing wrong. After that we swam a 500, very slow, then a 250 sprint ( 25 sprint, 25 freestyle), 100 kick, 100 arm stroke, and cooled down with a 200. Today was one of my longest and hardest swims. I was really pushing myself and trying to focus on all of the different techniques Marvin pointed out. I am going to purchase a kick board soon to also help me out with drills! I feel like after what I learned today I am going to start kicking ass in the pool!

THANKS MARVIN!!!!!!!!!!!!! =D

Girls on the Run 5k - Mattoon


Saturday morning I woke up at 6 am on my only day off to drive from Arcola to Mattoon for a run! YIPPE! Bob and I met up at the YMCA in Mattoon and we ran a total of 8 miles, down Western, through Lane Acres, back down through Peterson Park back and around to the YMCA. The total run was 8.20 miles finished in 1:10 with an 8:36 average per mile. The run felt pretty good, my foot wasn't feeling too bad. Its funny what stories you can hear about another person's events. Not naming any names, peeing themselves during races. LOL!!!!!!

After the run, it was time for the Girls on the Run 5k! This run was so much fun!! =) There were so many young girls running with their coach, friends, and family.There were several people running their first 5k EVER! I saw my cousins running and many other people I knew. There were volunteers EVERYWHERE along the course encouraging everyone to finish strong. I ran pretty slow around a 27 minute finish time because I was already tired from the 8 miles. I stood towards the finish and cheered on all of the young girls and encouraged them to finish strong. What a great day for running! =)


Thursday, November 8, 2012

Reality hits ya hard bro!


“One person's craziness is another person's reality.”
― Tim Burton

Tonight Valeria and I went to Nick's house to cycle to a training video. This was my first experience doing an indoor cycle with my bicycle. I really enjoyed the workout!!! I was a hot sweaty mess during the entire ride!!! The video consisted of a 5 minute warm up, followed by 30 seconds of sprint and 30 seconds at a steady pace for 5 minutes all the way down to 1 minute. After that, the video had us sprint for 2 minutes, rest for two minutes 5 times. This was pretty rough by the 5th time, my legs were getting really tired! The sweat continued to pour and I continued to push through the rest of the workout with a 5 minute cool down.

This is a great workout, especially during the winter while it is cold and snowy outside. YUCK! I really look forward to the next time we meet for another workout. Reality hit me hard while we were talking about Nick's experiences during his Ironman events. Its going to take so much strength, energy, and endurance on all levels mentally and physically! I hope I know what I'm getting myself into, lol. There are a lot of emotions running through my mind, but I am loving every minute of it! 


Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Out of steam...


Tuesday evening was a rough one. After I finished work, I headed to Mattoon to meet bob for a run. Since it was raining and cold outside, we decided to run on the treadmills at the YMCA. We finished a 3.5 mile run, which did not make my foot happy, stupid dreadmill. While sweat was dripping from my hair, I raced over to Pam and Chris's house to meet Lindsay and Brooke for Mitch's visitation. It was a LONG 2 1/2 hour line, but it was well worth it to say our goodbyes. I spent the evening over at Christy and Greg's house, I was definitely feeling a glass of wine and starved from our run!


I woke up after only 4 1/2 hours of sleep at 5 am to attend Bob's spinning class at the YMCA. I was definitely not prepared, because my Vibram shoes were the worst idea for spinning! It KILLED my foot so I only put about 75% of my total effort into the workout. I am excited for the next time I can come to the class, because I love spinning, I miss when I used to do it at Gold's Gym before they closed. After spinning, we saw Lane running on the dreadmill so we chit chat with him for a few minutes until I decided to kick Bob's butt with an ab workout! It was kind of commical because he doesn't do any other working out besides run, bike swim. We spent about 30 minutes ripping our abs! =)

This evening I went to Marvin's indoor pool with Kodi. We began the workout with a 250 warm up, which I was already exhausted from lack of sleep and my other work outs. I spent the next 30 minutes half assing a few drills. Poor Marvin and Kodi were trying to teach me out to improve my breast stroke and a few other drills. I ended up just being very frustrated and tired and decided to bail. Marvin promised to help me one on one with my strokes next swim, so hopefully I will be in a better mood!

I feel like I have been running nonstop, so tonight I am sitting on the couch and relaxing! I truly appreciate everyone helping me train and achieve my goals on my journey to becoming an ironman!


Sunday, November 4, 2012

Rattlesnake 5k - Urbana


I woke up (on time with the time change) feeling strong and confident today, so I decided to complete the Rattlesnake Mater 5k in Urbana, IL this morning. I'm not gonna lie though, I was feeling a little nervous on the drive over, because if you read up, my last experience at the fun run was not a good one. I could not even complete the second loop of the 3 mile. So I went into the race telling myself, Alicia, don't over do it, don't push it to the MAX, you don't need to PR (which is what I usually think), just finish the 5k safe and without hurting your foot! After my mental talk, I did my "warm up" by jogging to the signup under the pavilion. I thought about not wearing my wrap on my foot, but I figured better safe than sorry, so I put it on as I was registering.

The 5k began with us running the route backwards of what we normally run during the fun run. I was super excited because this was my first run with my new GPS watch, which was VERY accurate! This was my first time running this route, which was very nice, I even enjoyed running on the grass for the last half mile. I sprinted to the finish as I saw the clock and finished at 23.34. I ended up winning 1st place in the female 20-29 division, so I was very happy!! I remember my first 5k at the Illinois Marathon in 2009 when I finished with 23:36. I thought I would NEVER beat that time, because it wasn't until this June in Tolono where I FINALLY beat it. I was in complete shock with this finishing time, because I thought if I finished around 25 minutes I would be happy, considering I didn't feel like I was running that fast.

The after race party was a blast! Amber and I had hot chocolate and chocolate doughnuts to keep warm and refuel! =) It was so nice to see all of my running friends and being able to watch them finish, since I am usually the last one, LOL! Congrats to everyone who placed, finished, and PR'ed at the race today! It was great to see Stephen, Mike, Ryan, Corey, Amber, Nikki, Valeria, Sarah, Michelle, Andrea, and everyone else who I may have forgot, sorry! I have to give a special thanks to Ryan for holding my key too! =)

For breakfast we made a reservation for Bob Evans and it was DELICIOUS! I had french toast, bacon, eggs, and hash browns. Everyone seemed to enjoy their breakfast and the conversations were even better! Like Amber said, NEVER compare your pets to other people's children, haha, whoops! I am looking forward to the winter Marathon training with all of my new friends! I will be  praying for a mild winter for all of us, because I hate the cold!!!! 


Friday, November 2, 2012

Slowly Recovering


Today I broke in my November calendar with a 4.12 mile run with an 8.32 pace and an overall time of 35:08! (I'm not sure if my "bathroom pit stop" was in those numbers or not, LOL! Bob and I ran in Mattoon from his shop down the bike trail and back. During the run I was feeling pretty strong with our first mile timing around 8.06. The rest of the run Bob and I had good conversations about previous events with running and triathlons. It is so awesome I have someone to help me train for such a major event! Bob gave me a book I plan on reading this weekend about a man's journey to the Louisville, Ironman. I am definitely interested in reading another person's perspective of this event! He has also given me a little insight on his "eating habits" and I am embarassed to even say all the crap I eat, haha! I don't eat terrible, but about 75% of the time I eat like a 10 year old adult! Anyways, ike I have said, I am either going to die trying or crawling across the finish line. Either way, I am going to become an Ironman!!!!!!!!! =D


Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Just Keep Swimming


Today was a successful day at the pool! Once again I have to thank Marvin for kicking my butt into shape! This swim was definitely a lot easier than the first time. We began the swim with a 100 slow warm up, followed by a 250 which I timed at 6 min 45 sec. I was very happy with that time, considering I wasn't pushing myself for time. 

Next, we did a few drills where you flutter kick on your back for a 100 and the same on your stomach for another 100. I was feeling pretty awesome until we decided to do the "frog kick" where I basically kept drowning myself. LOL! Marvin did his best to help me, I was supposed to complete a 100, but I lucky to finish the 50. We finished the workout with a 500, my second time completing this distance I timed at 13:45. I felt really strong during this distance, which last time I had to stop in between for about a minute to catch my breath. I also did less breaststroke/backstroke and more freestyle through this 500. 

Overall, we swam about 1100M in 50 minutes. I am looking forward to my next swim with Marvin! He is talking about swimming for two hours, so God help me please! 

Also, I have made up my mind on two upcoming races. I am going to compete Sunday at the Rattlesnake 5k and in November the Santa Chase half marathon. I am going to try to keep my running to a minimum in order to keep my foot safe, but I am not going to completely stop. I REFUSE! So even if I have to jog or walk the half marathon, I think it would be a good training to have at least one long distance under my belt before the Illinois Marathon 2013.


Monday, October 29, 2012

Ironman Training!!


WOAH!!!! Woke up pretty sore from Allerton yesterday, those hills will bite ya in the butt! 

Today was my scheduled doctor appointment with Dr. Sandercauk (sp?) about my right foot injury. Basically, everything I expected happened. They took an x-ray of my foot and he "determined" my foot has swelling from a bone burise, and recommended I take tylenol and the next 3 weeks off from "closed circuit exercising", meaning NO RUNNING! He said that biking, swimming, and elliptical work outs would be okay or anything with low impact. As I figured, I wasted my time and money to hear what I already knew.

After my doctor's appointment, Bob Zollman and I decided to go out for a 22.5 WINDY bike ride. We biked the full last chance tri route and then about another 8.5 miles out on the bike trail in Mattoon. I am very blessed to have met someone who has so much experience and knowledge to help further me in my training. Two VERY important things I learned today, was how to put air in my tire (all by myself) and how to use the small loop (the left gear) on the bike chain for hilly/windy biking. Until today, I never used it and pretty much thought it didn't do anything. I found out that it helps A LOT, because those 30 mph winds today were nothing to sneeze about! Also, thank you for letting me borrow your gloves! =)

I have spent the whole day on the move since I have woke up. I had a wonderful lunch of free Villa Pizza with my mom and Mema at the nursing home. I even got to spend a few hours chit chatting and catching up with my old friend Christy Furgeson. It was so nice to see her, I miss her a lot! Ryan baked some cookies and I am exhausted, so I am having dessert and passing out early!


Trail Run #2


Today was my second trail run, in Monticello, IL at Allerton Park. I woke up around 5:45, extra early, to volunteer with parking for the race set up. I stood outside for about an hour and a half freezing while directing traffic to turn into the parking lot. While shivering, I met a man named Curt from Indy who is also involved with Second Wind and Kennekuk running. He competed in 100 mile races, which I was very inspired, because I can only imagine how hard that would be.

After the volunteering was over, I went to warm my butt up with my seat warms and the heat in my car. I ended up deciding to wear my Tickle Me Pink Crayon costume for the run! =) There were several other people who decided to dress up and looked very nice in their costumes. The trail run was very successful! The first mile was covered with large rocks though, which was not very nice on my hurt foot. There was a lot of mud, leaves, and roots but the leaves turning colors made for a beautiful race. I had a lot of personal issues that occured during the run, my stupid shorts kept riding up my butt, NOT FUN and also my ipod arm band kept falling off while it was on my arm under my North Face coat. The ear phone chord ended up just falling out at mile 5 and I said screw it!

About mile 5 1/2 I noticed this girl who I had overheard before the race say she signed up for the Clydesdale division (my division). Once I saw her, I kicked my legs into overdrive! I pushed myself to the MAX! As we were both sprinting up the last hill, neck-in-neck, I pushed it to end up beating her by less than 2 seconds!!!! I ended up winning 1st place overall Athena award! I was pleased to see if I would have signed up for my age division, I still would have won 2nd. =) 
Here are the results:
1 Alicia Pettyjohn 328 23 9 50:12.2 8:48/M
2 Tessa Schmidt 391 34 10 50:14.1 8:49/M

I definitely need to thank Michael Tankersley for, once again, saving me with water right after the race. He said it best, I left everything out on that trail! Thank you Mike for making me feel like a part of the team of Second Wind and always encouraging me to push myself to be the best, you are a great friend! I also want to thank Ryan and Amber Anderson for cheering me on during the run! It made me smile seeing your faces and especially the "4 1/2 Five"!! LOL

The rest of the day was spent relaxing, recovering, and enjoying myself on the couch! Ryan, Kodi, and I decided to carve pumpkins and make Tacos for dinner, YUM! What a great day!! So far my experience with trail running = SUCCESSFUL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

PINK <3 1st Place!

Friday, October 26, 2012

Bustin Ass with the Bestie!


Nothing better than being able to hit the gym bright and early with your best friend, Alisha Bennett!!!! =D <3

We had a great evening together, we went to Sephora to buy some new makeup, had margaritas for dinner at Chilis, and came back to the house to watch Kardashian, bake, and drink wine! Its the little things like this evening that I miss so much!! I cherish every moment I get to spend with Alisha, because she and Marshall are always traveling and I am lucky if I get to see her once a month.

Today is the first day off without having a race or going out of town that I have had in months, and I couldn't be happier!
This morning we woke up ate breakfast and watched the price is right, my favorite show!!! We then decided to hit up my gym, planet fitness. I ran for a pretty slow pace for 30 minutes, with little pain in my foot. After the run, I jumped on the bike for an intense hilly 30 minute bike ride. I jogged 3 miles and I had an intense 8.5 mile bike ride. Overall I would say it was a great workout! You can tell by all the sweat! -------------------->

 After our workout, we showered and got ready for lunch at Billy Barooze. Alisha's mom, Lynn, met us and we had a DELICOUS lunch with blue moon and burgers! Mmm! The rest of the afternoon was spent at the spa where we all received a full body massage, scalp treatment, and facial massage. It was heavenly! Especially after the intense workout!

 I am also really excited because I finally received my new Timex GPS watch! I cannot wait to try it out on Sunday in Allerton.

Tonight Ryan and I are going to Brian & Hayle's Halloween party, which should be a blast! I am dressing up as a pink Crayon and Ryan is Sub Zero from Mortal Kombat.

For now, I am feeling very relaxed and ready for a nap! Until my next blog...


Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Feeling weak


Well, tonight I went to Marvin's (who I work with at Red Lobster) apartment complex to go for a swim. I didn't know what I was getting myself into, because he is an AWESOME swimmer! We started off with a 75m warm up, followed by a 250 with a 25 sprint and a 25 breast stroke. Even though I was dying, this drill really helped me with endurance! After that we swam a full 500 (10 laps) with alternating freestyle and breast or back stroke. I was really exhausted after this drill! This was the farthest I have ever swam with almost not stopping. Like I said, I wasn't prepared for what I was getting into, but I was so happy I found another swimming partner who will kick my ass into shape!

After the swim, I went straight to fun run with second wind. I was already pretty exhausted from swimming, so I pushed myself. The first mile went pretty well, with no pain in my foot. After the break, we started up for the 3 mile run. I started out pretty strong, but after a mile or so my foot started aching really bad. It was then I knew I had to stop. I was so disappointed in myself, upset and frustrated. I spent the last 1/2 mile walking back to my car with tears streaming down my face. I am not used to feeling this weak. I want to be able to kick ass with everyone else running in second wind. 

I immediately called Ryan and explained to him my frustrations. After icing my foot and calming myself down, we decided to meet everyone at the Village Inn for the fun run pizza party. The pizza was delicious and the company was even better! I am really worried about my race on Sunday, the 5 mile trail run in Allerton. I can only continue to pray that my foot will heal and the doctor will be give me some insight on what is wrong and how I can fix it.

PINK </3 Feeling weak

Monday, October 15, 2012

Like a BOSS


Well, after a long depressing week of not training, my foot was finally feeling well enough to hit the gym! I figured if my foot started hurting really bad, if I was a on a treadmill I could jump off at any time. During the run I felt really strong (probably all those carbs I have consumed over the last week)! I didn't want to push myself too much so I figured 30 minutes was a good time, so I ran 3.5 miles at 7 mph. It wasn't a very fast paced run, but to complete it and not be in pain the entire time was amazing!!

After the run I was feeling great so I decided, what the hell, and jumped on one of their bicycles. I know everyone in the gym was probably starring at me because I was DRENCHED in sweat, as usual. There was sweat all over me, the bike, and the floor, haha! I did an intense hilly 9.5 mile bike ride (level 10) for 30 minutes. 

My entire workout tonight felt AMAZING! I am so happy to be able to jump back into training, even if I have to take it really slow for a couple weeks. Being able to do something is better than nothing. I was so down all weekend seeing all of my running friends competing in 2 races I was really looking forward to. Oh well, I have to take care of myself to be able to better myself. Tomorrow is one of the last fun runs, so assuming my foot is still feeling up to par, I plan on taking it slow and completing the 1 mile and 3 mile loop! =)

Now, to ice my foot and take it easy the rest of the evening!

Pink <3 Feeling like a boss!

Monday, October 8, 2012

Last Chance Tri


Today was ironically the last triathlon of the year, Last Chance Tri in Mattoon, IL at the YMCA. It was a SUPER chilly day with pretty strong winds, so I knew the race was going to be a doozey!

The swim was 275 yards, touching 11 eleven times in the pool. Suprisingly, I kicked  the swim's ass finishing 6:19, so I was EXTREMLY PROUD!!! After getting out of the pool, I was sooooo cold trying to run to my towel and gear. This race I decided to run with some different gear, due to the weather; a hooded jacket, ear muffs, and my asics running shoes not only for warmth for my feet but because my foot is still a little sore. The biking was kind of rough, because there were several parts where the wind was strong coming towards us, especially going back over the overpass. My biking averaged out to be about 16 mph and I completed the 12 miles in 44:38. Finally, during the run my legs were so sore from having to push hard against the wind and my feet were frozen until after the first mile. Needless to say, the run was really slow! I finished the 5k in 25:40, which is really slow for me, but due to the weather, my foot, and the frozen feet I was happy. My overall time was 1:19:54 which was 11 minutes faster than the similar triathlon at the beginning of the year at Lytle Park!

After completing the race, I ended up winning 1st in the female 20-24 age division! It is always an accomplishment to complete the event, but even more so when my friends and family are there to watch and support me! I was so blessed and  thankful Ryan, my mom and stepfather, my mema, my stepsister and niece Maddy, Tim & Renee Spitz, and Pam Bartlett! It means so much to me that everyone comes out, watches, waits...waits...waits... takes pictures, and CHEERS me on! =) It encourages me and drives me to push harder during the race! I also met a cool man named Bob Zollman, who has completed the Louisville triathlon twice. I believe God has lined him up in my life to help me with questions, concerned, and training skills over the next year. It will be nice to keep in touch with someone who knows what I am getting myself into!

Pink <3 Triathlon

Wild Wild Wilderness!


Well, today was definitely one of the most interesting competitive runs I have ever completed. Not only was it the longest competitive race but it was my first trail run! The two are completely different types of running when you compare trail running and road running. It is basically looking at the ground the entire run, watching every step, and careful placement of your feet. One wrong step can send you rolling down a hill!

Overall, the run was one of the most difficult and challenging runs I have ever completed! I just keep thinking, only 5 more miles, only 4 more miles, 3 more, 2 more, less than 1 more... Until finally I crossed that finish line!!! 

My goal was to complete the 7.4 mile trail run within 1 hour and 15 minutes. I ended up completing the race 5 minutes quicker at 1:10, which I was just happy to finish! =) I ended up winning 1st place in the Amazon woman division (140 lbs+) which I was SOOOOO PUMPED!!!!!!!!! I was in complete shock and so happy!!!!! Everyone from Second Wind who attended the race ended up winning some hardware, which was so great! All of us road runners came and kicked that trail's ass!

Pink <3 Trail Running

Friday, September 28, 2012

Feeling Blessed


Wednesday was our last workout for speed work, which was kind of sad. =( Kodi came along with me which made it really fun, especially since we both won something in the drawing. During the speed run my foot was really bothering me, to the point I had to completely quit running. It was so frustrating and got me down so bad I went to the free injury sports clinic at Carle on Thursday. The trainer assessed my foot by push and pulling different toes, bones, and parts of my foot. It basically boils down to a bone bruise and stress on my tendons in my toes. I have spent the last two evenings making sure to be very deligent about rest, ice, and wrapping it up during the evening to take down the swelling. Randy from Body n Sole was nice enough to give me a couple inserts for my work shoes, which has helped TREMENDOUSLY!

Today at work I have noticed a complete difference with my foot. I didn't have to limp or walk on the outside of my foot at all. There was little to no pain, so I hope and pray that  what I am doing is working and it will only continue to heal, because I cannot afford to have a foot injury during training!

This morning I got a nice quick 9 mile bike ride in. I bought this awesome little pouch that velcrows right around the shaft of the bike. It easily holds my cell phone, some energy gummies, and this pretty pink bottle of mace I bought. I really think the mace was a great idea, because even though I am strong, I am not strong enough to take down a large person or several people. The pouch is where I can easily access the mace and my cell phone in an emergency. 

Finally, today, my two new swim caps that I bought came in! One is hot pink and yellow which is silicone the other is a nike red cap. I have never tried silicone so I am excited to test out the new caps! I also purchased a belt that holds my number and gels during races! It looks pretty legit, plus it is pink, so I am pumped!

More good news!!!! I had several donations in the last few days.. I want to make a big thanks to Lindsay & Josh Gordon, my Aunt Bernie, and Kevin and Art from Carle with Biomed!!! None of this would be possible for me without the gracious people who have supported me and I cannot thank each and everyone enough!!!!!! God has truly blessed me and is answering my prayers with help from everyone and recovery of my foot!

 Pink <3 God

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

So Clique...


Tonight I went to the fun run with Second Wind, and although it is so clique, it was so much fun! Nikki and I ran together for both the 1 mile and 3 mile. The 3 mile run had a special event where the individuals who finish closest to their predicted time, without wearing watches, won free Second Wind Running gear! Nikki and I predicted our 3 mile for 24:15 and we finished at 24:18, three seconds longer than predicted, WE KICKED ASS! =) We both picked out long sleeve shirts, and we were very excited!

Nikki is such an inspiration to me for running! She kicks some major ass every race and pushes herself to the limit every practice! I really appreciate that she makes me feel part of a team at Second Wind and invites me to hang out with everyone after a run. Thanks so much Nikki, it may seem small, but really means a lot to me! Without Second Wind and Kodi I depend on mainly myself to be motivated to train and workout. So any extra encouragement and inspiration is greatly appreciated! I am so glad I found out about the club this summer and am able to be involved as much as possible!

Tomorrow is the last speed run of the summer at the track with second wind, which is kind of sad. Even though I haven't gone every week, I know it has helped me with my endurance and speed! Now we get to look forward to marathon training starting in January with Second Wind! Yay! =D

Also, I have hurt my right foot pretty bad. It hurts about every step I take, especially if I haven't been on my feet for over like 10 or 15 minutes (the longer I'm off my feet the worse it hurts). I dropped a salad bowl and it landed sideways right on the bones of my 2nd and 3rd toe. I was hoping it was just going to go away, but it seems to be getting worse. I can usually just push through the pain, but once I'm done running, working out, or off work it hurts so bad. If anyone has any suggestions please let me know! I may have to go see a doctor this week. =( Pray for my foot to get better!

Pink <3 Training 

Sunday, September 23, 2012



Today was triathlon number 3!!! I am a "Tri-Tri-Athelete".. Haha! I just made that up! The triathlon went really well, it was at the U of I campus (hence the blue and orange).  Today will be the longest triathlon I have completed! 300 m swim 14.5 mile bike and 3.1 run!!!


1:270Alicia Pettyjohn342F2308:15.12:4502:42.452:06.716.601:28.224:32.07:5501:29:04.4

Basically what all of these number mean is that I finished 270 out of 509 individuals. I was 7th in my age division out of 29 woman age 20 - 24, my swim time was 8 min 15 sec, bike was 52 minutes at 16.6 mph, the 5k I ran in 24 min 32 sec with an OVERALL FINISH of 1:29:04!!!!!!!!!!!

It was so damn cold this morning I didn't get to do a swim warm up. I wish that they would have had everyone enter the pool based on their swim time rather than numerically. All of the fast swimmers were trampling me (the slow swimmer) and ultimately would have made everyone's swim time a lot better! I also don't like whenever they have us swim under neath the lines that is just annoying. I like Lytle Park Triathlon much better because you swim out, in, out and back and you're done, which means it is a constant swim without touching. 

The bike ride was pretty miserable. It was sooooo cold and  I didn't bring a long sleeved jacket or anything to cover my arms. The wind was ferocious and the hills were monstrous! I am just very thankful and blessed nothing happened to my bike during the 14.5 miles. There were a couple people who had chain issues, etc and I felt really bad for them. Yesterday, I bought a pair of tri shorts which was definitely one of the smartest investments I have ever made! The guy asked if I wore thicker padded shorts while I trained, I told him these were my first pair, I just roughed it before! Haha! But they were excellent for my tushy and it was awesome that I could swim, bike , and run without changing! I need to find something similar for a shirt, so please let me know if you have any suggestions!

The run was incredible! There were people almost every .10th of a mile cheering for you and encouraging you to finish strong. I had a strong goal to complete the 5k in 24 minutes and I accomplished that! It doesn't seem like it was a fast pace, 8 minute miles, but after completing the other two events, I am definitely happy with my time. It was funny because I didn't wear my ipod during the race so I could hear everyone and people were like, "I love your shoes" several times. It made me laugh. =) When I crossed the finish line I expected to be hurting and really exhausted... I wasn't!! I was completely fine and was like, well, okay, I guess that is it. I got my water, bagels, and head to find my AMAZING supporter! 

If it wasn't for Ryan being there  for every race, waking up early with me, cheering me on, taking my pictures, holding all of my belongings, running stuff back and forth to me, I don't know what I would do!!!!!!!!! I am so very fortunate and blessed to have a boyfriend who supports my events and loves every minute of it! Thank you so much Reverend Ryan David Rauch for being the  one who supports me through thick and thin no matter what! I <3 YOU!!!!!!!

One thing I really need help with is my transition times. I have such a hard time putting on my vibram five finger shoes whenever my feet are soaking wet. I think I need to try to find one of the vibram shoes that you just slip on so I don't have to separate all of my toes while I'm wet, cold, and disoriented!

Once again thank you everyone for all of your love and support! Thank you Alisha Bennett and Robin & David Rauch fo the donations this weekend! To everyone: I appreciate all the donations that helped me raise money for my Illinois Marathon in April 2013 and my Louisville Ironman in August 2013!